Thursday, March 23, 2017

Pink Animal Baby Quilt

40 x 44

I modified this pattern to make it smaller for a baby quilt. I've been meaning to use this pink and coral animal print for a while now. When I found this pattern I just new it would work.  The animal print was used for 2 of the fabrics since I was short one and I might have rearranged a few pieces to make that work. I made a second one with brighter fabrics here.

I knew I wanted to custom quilt this one and it took a while to pick something.  That is really not my strong suit!  I went with some diagonal lines and some back and forth on the sashing.  I love the texture it gives this quilt.

I also had some trouble taking photos so I tried some in the house.  #whitequiltsgivemetrouble

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts


  1. I thought the other one was cute, but I love love love the soft pinks and greens of this one even more!!

  2. The quilting gives it great texture yet looks so soft at the same time.

  3. This does have great texture. I what a sweet baby quilt.

  4. Pretty quilt, Shannon! I was wondering if you'd share the smaller dimensions you used on your quilt compared to the original pattern, if you don't mind, as I've got a baby quilt I'm interested in making with the smaller dimensions.
