Friday, April 26, 2019

New Postcard Sizes

I debated on posting these quilts separately, but they all seemed to fit a theme. That theme being resizing the Postcard from Sweden Quilt.

 56" x 68"

This is one of my favorite quilt patterns and I've always wanted to make the lap size a bit bigger. So I've added a few rows and columns to enlarge the lap size while still maintaining the look of original quilt.

36" x 40"

Who wouldn't want a cute little baby postcard quilt?  For this one, I just took a portion of the large quilt that looked to have the same colors in the same spots.

I also tried out a different style of quilting just to see how it looked. I have to say, I'm not a huge fan of the meandering on this quilt.

36" x 52"

Finally, someone requested a crib size quilt, so here it is. I went back to the lap size and found a good spot to get 13 rows from. I went back to the wavy line quilting for this one too, but the camera was not picking that up very well.

I think I have made this pattern in just about every size now. Roseanne, I did not forget about your request for a tutorial on making batting from scraps. I promise I will get to it! My plate is very full at the moment and need to get some things done. I need more time in the day!


  1. How clever of you! I like the wavy quilting best as well.

  2. I never get tired of seeing Postcard Quilts and really wonder if you can decide where the colors go--love all of the quilts--now I want to die cut a bunch of HSTs now. You have great quilt holders!

  3. Well done on the resizing, they look wonderful. I too prefer the wavy line quilting.
