Sunday, May 5, 2019

Invisible Thread Battles

While making this quilt, I really struggled using the monopoly thread. I've quilted tons of these in the past and I have no idea why it was so hard this time. I watched this video and read this here and both of these seemed to help with my struggle. So I am saving these links in this blog post so I can find them later. And well, the quilt is done. So there is that too. I think one of my kids messed with the tension on the side bobbin winder and that was causing all the problems, but I can't be for sure. I also had to really turn the top thread tension dial to let the thread through. I think I turned it more than 4 full turns! It's gonna be real fun to put that back where I had it before.

And I also finished these two pillow cases. Whew! Just for future reference this was the first time I did not use the monopoly thread on the back of the quilt and pillow cases. I used a matching thread instead. I don't know why I thought I had to use the monopoly. So much easier to not have to wind those bobbins.  Hope you all had a much better time in the sewing room this last week than I did!


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your monopoly troubles. The quilts turned out beautifully.

  2. All look really pretty. Glad you solved the thread troubles.

  3. Those darn little quilt gremlins were visiting you for sure. Hope they are all gone and that you didn't send them this way!! So excited to have sold a quilt yesterday that I went right up and put another one on the frame.

  4. Hi Shannon! Oh no, I hate to hear about thread battles and especially that the thread won. I hope you can get a handle on why, especially since you have used it so often in the past. Cute quilts - I love that shade of blue. {{Hugs}} for you to win all the thread battles in the future. Or better yet, to not have any again. ~smile~ Roseanne
