Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Custom Baby Scrappy Stars Quilt

I had a customer request this variation of my Scrappy Star quilt in a crib size. She wanted the black instead of the navy and it looks very striking.  I did manage to sneak some scraps into this quilt! I had some left over raspberry half square triangles and a few squares in all three colors. I also had just a few of the background in my scrap box. So while it's not totally scrappy I think I can still say it's part of my summer of scraps series. 

Here are some more quilts with a scrappy background I have made that might inspire you to dig into your scraps this summer!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

A Rainbow Scrappy Baby Quilt

38" x 38"

This is the third quilt in my Summer of Scraps Series. It was inspired by this quilt called Potluck. I used 2.5" squares instead of the 3.5" she used in her to make mine a baby size quilt. I went through my scraps and found that I had a pink, orange, and aqua fabric that was left over from a quilt. I had cut the leftovers into 2.5" squares because I didn't like the fabric and as you may know if you cut any fabric small enough it can become lovely.

I also found some striped squares that had similar colors on it so those two fabrics became the color scheme for the quilt. It is such a fun color scheme! Reminds me of fruit salad or the beach for some reason. Maybe because it's so hot here!

Sticking with the "use what you got" theme this summer, the only fabric I could find that looked good, was this aqua cross hatch. Not that I am complaining because I think it looks great. I tried all sorts of colors for the binding, but in the end nothing looked as nice as this dark aqua and it was in my 2.5" strip bin. So it was a bonus use of scraps. 

It's been so fun using my scraps this summer and I don't see an end to them yet (maybe they are multiplying when I'm out of the room). I've got four more quilts in some stage of progress. So until next time - here's to using those scraps!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Josie's Second Quilt

81" x 94"

My daughter is 10 and she likes to make things. She has been pestering me about making another quilt for a while so several months ago we took some time and narrowed down an easy pattern for her to make a quilt for her bed. She picked out all the pinks and purples from my stash that she liked. And she picked a lot!

This was an easy pattern for her since there were no seams to match up. Her attention span isn't too long so she would only sew a row or two at a time and there would sometimes be days (lots of days) between sewing. She got disappointed when she would have to seem rip, but that only happened on a couple rows. It laid very flat on the longarm when I was quilting it. 

I made her a quilt in 2013 that was also pink and purple, but I think I like this one better. Emma is asking for a quilt. She picked out some bright and happy colors. Now we just need to find the perfect pattern. She is going to be 7 so I will be sewing this first one. But first the scrap quilts need to be finished!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Summer of Scraps - One Color

Part 3 - Today I've got a one color quilt for you. This quilt is inspired by this quilt here. Alternating the aqua with the white gives this quilt a "winter and ice" kinda feel. Too bad it can't cool the temperature down here - it's hot! I tried Myra's magnet to the garage door method to hold up the quilt. I only had 4 magnets and 3 didn't keep it from sliding down the door so I didn't have enough to tack the bottom down. But overall it worked! I wish they weren't black. I may have to invest in some silver ones.

Aqua is one of my favorite colors. I use it a lot in my quilts so I had a nice selection of scraps in this color. I used 2.5" strips first and then 5" squares trimmed to 2.5". This is how many it took to make the quilt. I used almost all of it.

I cut my background strips in half so that I could get more variation on my strip sets. When the aqua strip was too short I added one of those 5" long pieces to utilize the whole white strip.

Once the strip sets are sewn and ironed, you just cut them into 2.5" segments. Then mix them up and sew 4 of them into a block.

Our Joann's store is lacking in fabric at the moment so I was forced to make due with what I had on hand. It took me a while as I didn't have any pieces wide enough. I started with just the blue pieces, but it was looking a bit old fashioned. Once I added the white strips it seemed to make it more modern and match the front a bit more. 

Here are a few of my favorite one color quilts from Pinterest that I found. Does it surprise you that they are all aqua? You could use your 2.5" strips, or squares to make these or even a 1.5" strip on this first one.

I bet you're wondering where the rainbow quilts are...they are coming!  I've been slowly sewing my 99 blocks together. I'm also working on a baby quilt. Hard to have just one project in the works.  I hope you are having fun working through your scraps this summer!