Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Best of 2017

Meadow Mist Designs  
Cheryl over at Meadow Mist Designs is hosing a best of 2017 linky party! I decided to pick my top 5 by combining the posts with the most comments and the most views.

#5 - King Size Buckeye Beauty

#3 - Stars Over Scott

#2 - Boomerang (there were two of these quilts this year...here is the second one.)

It's been a great year and I hope yours has too! Head on over to Cheryl's blog to see what others are sharing.


  1. You have some beautiful quilts! Just stunning!

  2. You had a wonderful 2017, congrats on so many great finishes. Happy New Year!

  3. Love both your Boomerang and your Bargello! Fabulous!

  4. Love your Fab Five and the little hands holding up your quilts. I think Boomerang is my favorite but I think there are some which aren't on this post.

  5. WOw wonderful quilts!!Scrappy Patchwork is my favorite! Nice to find your blog through the 2017 best of linky.

  6. Such beautiful projects. It was great seeing them again. Happy New Year!

  7. WOW! Beautiful quilts this year, love the bargello! Looking forward to seeing what 2018 brings. Happy New Year.

  8. Your quilts are all lovely! Congratulations on a very successful year! Love the Boomerang one the best!

  9. Your speaking to you own heart. Love Love Love all your finishes!
