Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Postcard from Sweden Quilt Along

You  may be surprised to see me participating in the Postcard Quilt Along since I just finished two twin quilts in this pattern. But for the quilt along I am making a king sized postcard quilt!

I use the accuquilt to cut my triangles. In this case the 6" HTS die. They are laid out on the table in order by number. My little secret is that my kids help me pair up the squares as I sew them and they get placed on the design wall. The process goes so much faster with their help.

Here we've started laying them out. I plan on making a few changes once they are all up on the wall.
It's nice to have 3 boards now on my wall so that a king size quilt will fit up there.

Hop on over to see what others are doing for the Postcard from Sweden Quilt Along.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Twin Postcards

Yesterday, I had this great idea to take a picture of the 2 twin postcard quilts I finished this week together. They barely fit in the opening of my front door!  I wanted to show the different colors on the backs of the quilts side by side because the fronts are identical. It's been raining steady for a week now, but it slowed enough to run outside and get a couple pictures.

The quilting is wavy lines going vertically on these two twin quilts instead of horizontally. Makes for faster quilting, but looks good too! Binding is Kona Iron. 

Linking with:

Busy Hands Quilts
Crazy Mom Quilts

Friday, February 16, 2018

Tree of Life Quilt + Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Roseanne N. who was the winner of last week's Double Up pattern Giveaway! Thanks to all who entered and left comments. If you wanted the pattern and didn't win you can find it in my pattern shop

89 x 89

I had a customer ask for a tree of life quilt last month and I had never heard of it before. I did some searching and found a few different varieties of this old pattern. She picked this simple version with just two colors.  Here is the free block from Mirkwood Designs that I used in this quilt. I added a 2 inch border to the outside to make it a touch bigger and help with the bias of the on point blocks. 

She chose a cream colored thread even though you can't really tell in this picture. The blocks are 12" finished. Each block has 34 - 1.5" finished HSTs!  I got smart after the last quilt with little tiny pieces was so time consuming and bought an Accuquilt die to cut these triangles. It was so worth it!  I love using the dies to make HSTs and have almost every size now.  Quilt smarter, not harder!

Linking with:
Busy Hands Quilts
Crazy Mom Quilts
Off the Wall Friday
Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Friday, February 9, 2018

Regatta Quilt and a Giveaway!

Can I just say I LOVE this quilt!  Great idea, Roseanne, to host the Regatta Sew Along!  I decided to do some custom quilting on this one. I do love row quilting. There is something therapeutic about the repetitive motion. You can find the free pattern at Block M Quilts.

 I found this fabric at Joann's a while back and the colors were perfect! I was even able to get the pieces to line up so you can't really tell where the seam is.  Love that!

Giveaway Time!

 If you are searching for your next project, how about my new pattern?  Strip piecing makes this quilt quick and easy. Plus it's fat quarter and yardage friendly. The pattern comes in 5 sizes.  And the best part is I’m giving away my Double Up pattern to one lucky reader. The cover quilt is a twin size.
Here's a two color version in a lap size:

Myra at Busy Hand Quilts has made a baby version in this cute fabric and added a border:

Give away will close Thursday, Feb 15. Winner will be chosen randomly from confirmed entries through the rafflecopter form.  Winner will be announced on my blog next friday! And if you want the pattern and you don't win you can find it here.

Linking with Finished or Not Friday, Crazy Mom Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Friday, February 2, 2018

Queen Size Spool Quilt

95 x 105

This is a remake of an older quilt using modern fabrics. I don't know the name of it, I just saw a picture of the quilt. Those little HSTs finish at 1.5"!  I used the wondercut ruler to cut all the HSTs. But the small size made them a bear to sew. I'm saying this now so I remember next time someone asks me to make them. 

She chose 7 different fabrics for the brown spools and over 30 different colored fabrics for the colored prints. I had some scraps from the last two quilts I have made for her and was able to use some of them for the large squares. I love the navy and white borders. Let's the center shine.

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts.
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