48" x 58.5"
This quilt is made from the left overs of a quilt I have not finished yet. For some reason I finished this quilt first. The other one is a plus quilt made from the above fabrics plus a few more, but I don't even have the top done to show you yet! I had 5 inch squares of the black floral print and didn't want to put them in my scrap bin so I found a pattern to use them.
There were 2 small strips left to give the back some interest. I quilted it with a swirly panto. I have been having a problem with my thread lately. When I get to the end of the bobbin, I get small knots on the bottom of the quilt. I thought I had it figured out by winding my bobbin slowly, but it showed up again on this quilt. Anybody have a solution to my problem?
I got to spend the week in my sewing room thanks to my kids giving me the week off! They took turns teaching the little kids and doing homework. I spent 4 full days cutting, sewing, and quilting.
These are some of the prints I dug out of the closet to cut up for quilts. These all came from an estate sale and were super cheap! I was able to pick patterns and cut fabric for 10 quilts this week! I also quilted 2 fleece blankets that were taking up a bunch of room in the closet. My closet is looking so much better! (and emptier)
Next on my list besides the plus quilt is the last scrap bin to cut up. Then I can finally work on some other projects besides sewing that have been waiting for me! Hope you all get time to do a little spring cleaning in your sewing rooms too!